It seems to me that most everyone I know, including myself at times, struggles with work/life balance. In our “go go go” world, we are encouraged to multi-task, over-schedule, and be productive 100 % of the time. Gender stereotypes also contribute to this mentality. Mothers cook dinner, clean, work, take care of the kids, and are the master keepers of everyone’s schedules. Men are in meetings, handle business calls, and then come home and watch the children so the mother can have a break, while emailing their boss at the same time. Both men and women desperately need down time but neither seem to be getting enough. Eventually this begins to grate on even the most healthy of individuals. Therapy can help shift priorities and focus on time management skills which in the end makes you a better employee, significant other, and parent.
And really, that’s what we are all working towards anyway right?