There are many different kinds of theoretical orientations. Famous in its’ projection lies Vienna and Freud, and the British knock offs with short term dynamic therapy. You have what I call the “lovey-doveys” attachment therapy who created stability in discipline. You have the college favorites- Maslow and the hierarchy of needs, Skinner with his strict regimens. But what do all of these famous psychotherapists have in common? And what can we learn from the most popular and renowned- the best and the brightest in the class?

I find that each of the theories have good points which is why I describe myself as eclectic. I love the underpinnings of personality from Freud. I love the scientific advancements of Skinner. I love that attachment theory focuses on loving your children the best you can and being the “good enough” mother. But what I’ve found are character traits that are common in all therapists- empathetic listening, a non-judgemental attitude and a bit of curiosity added for good measure. A receipe for a successful therapist is someone who listens more than they talk, knows how to keep secrets, is a bit nosy but not annoyingly so, and someone who is wise. Add a pinch of humor and a dash of good wok ethic to strengthen the sauce 🙂 I strive to be all these things, but it’s not easy. What I can guarantee is that the staff at Pavilion is comittied to embracing both the old school of psychoanalysis and modern methods of behavior shaping. We learn from the old and adapt the new to help clients where they are today, this hour, this moment, this day.

-Dr. Baker